Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Weigh in as at Day 168 of 360 Days weight loss Challenge.

Today I weighed in
at 85.8kg......this means I have lost 0.2 kg since last week.......hmmmm one day at a time and I still refuse to be discouraged or give up.


Friday 20 June 2014

Weigh in as at Day 161 of 360 Days weight loss Challenge.

I weighed in

At 86kg.......meaning I have added 4kg since last week or is it my scale playing tricks on me? Check my last week post to understand.....

Anyway I am still forging on, my exercise these days is 1hour 45minutes daily walk pushing the stroller and strength training using dumbbells.

#singing#......one day at a time sweet Jesus.......

Thursday 12 June 2014

Weigh in as at Day 154 of 360 Days Weight Loss Challenge

Today I weighed in at

82.0kg .......which means I have lost 5.6 kg since last week......

I keep wondering if my scale is malfunctioning.......my only consolation is that my pre pregnancy clothes are now my size although some are still tight. 
My exercise routine one and a half hours of walking pushing baby in a stroller and using dumbbells for strength training and muscle toning.

I am about 12kg to the finish line now...........

Thursday 5 June 2014

Weigh in as at Day 147 of 360 weight loss Challenge.

Today I weighed in at


87.6 kg which means I have lost 0.2 kg since last week.....All my body aches and just 0.2 ? 

Loosing weight is so tough......hmnnnnn......