Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Time to Revv the weight loss engine

Since we have established that breakfast is the most important meal in a day and introduced us to the freshly squeezed lemon water daily cleanse; it's time to talk about healthy breakfast ideas.

  In our quest to loose weight and eat healthy we need to eliminate or at least eat sparingly refined carbohydrates : let us take cereal for today ........they spike your blood sugar immediately after eating and crash it leaving you hungry and craving more.

Most of them are laden with sugar ....aka corn syrup and the calorie breakdown written on the package is for a small quantity that you most probably will triple for breakfast.

 Except for the ones that have nuts added to them it is just another dead over processed food.....don't be deceived by the packaging; it is meant to make you buy.


 They claim to have added some vitamins to it......you can get that from a healthy varied diet anyway.

   Even the whole wheat ones are not that healthy......research in recent years has shown that avoidance of wheat products in its entirety is the way to go for people predisposed to obesity and diabetes.
 The modern day wheat ( I am sure you know this is not the wheat of the bible era for instance) has been genetically modified to increase yield and profit and it contains super starch and gluten ( which some people react to ....celiac disease).
 Since I have decided to make this blog as informative as possible without the plenty scientific grammar----- this is my submission to those who constantly eat cereal ........

Do an experiment and go off packaged cereal for 6 weeks; then eat it again one day and share your observation with us.

The one cereal you should love is OATS not the instant one popular in Nigeria look for the ROLLED OR STEEL CUT variety. It is always indicated on the package.

  Oatmeal eaten in the right portion has loads of benefit.....It lowers cholesterol in the blood, it's rich in fiber, has a unique antioxidant that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stabilizes blood sugar and so on.

 A tip for those with high blood sugar issues.....replace oatmeal with wheat as your "swallow"


  1. True talk on the cereal....I went out and came back to cereal some time ago, and I have never been able to eat it anymore. You are right about the oats, they are much more healthy.
