Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Join me to loose weight steadily and rediscover yourself

The first thing we should never compromise on this journey to a new US is breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal in a day....I know you have read/heard it countless times but it can never be over emphasized.

Every book I have read on my quest for information on healthy fruit/food and lifestyle says so; and even logic makes it look true.

 What you consume for breakfast is a topic for another day.
  Personally I try to eat last at like 7pm anything after will be tea or a handful of nuts or both so having breastfed through the night I wake up hungry. For the purpose of my weightloss challenge , I don't eat first.
      The first thing I do is squeeze a lemon into a glass (or 2) of water and drink to flush my system and this has loads of benefits. (Make sure you rinse your mouth with water immediately after to protect your teeth enamel)

Lemon is HIGH in vitamin C so it is a good antioxidant and it also has a powerful antiseptic action on your liver( this is an important organ for weightloss and detoxification) and kidneys. It cleanses your stomach of mucus and digestive juices previously secreted to start the day afresh. (Remember it can be used to clean snail slime).
  Replace your coffee with this; trust me it will make a lot of difference on your health.

       You don't believe me huh? Try it for  3 weeks (dont sweeten with sugar )and let me know your observations......and Lemon is available in nigeria

NB......wait for at least 1 hour before you have breakfast.


  1. Wow! I just started this lemon juice therapy a week ago and the results are amazing.

  2. Keep it up.....it's amazing how little changes in our lifestyle and diet can have far reaching effects.
