Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Take care of your body....Its the only one you have.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Are you regularly constipated?

 Constipation occurs when faeces stay too long in the large intestines and too much water is absorbed from it making the process of passing it out painful with the 'poop' dry.

   It is very unhealthy to retain this putrid faecal matter in our large intestines for long  seeing that we cannot reach in to clean the place......and we should not strain or hold our breadth to poo-poo.

pix culled from wiki commons

    Level 1 and 2  shows constipation........
     Possible Causes 

  •  Diet low in fiber
  • Side effects of medication
  • Lack of adequate physical activity
  • Pregnancy
  • Other underlying health problems
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Ignoring the urge to have bowel movement

      There is therefore a NEED to ensure that our DAILY diet ( and general lifestyle ) supports a healthy digestive system.
    Foods like:
 Fruits and Vegetables---- Make 5 portions a day your target  and aim to meet it......Note that an apple = 1 portion, a cup of Raspberries = 1 portion e.t.c

Whole meal bread 


Dried fruits as a snack .....they have a high fiber content.....For example


Just remember to watch your portions as they are calorie dense.

Brown rice
Vegetable soups like Efo riro , Edikaikong, Afang e.t.c 

Yogurts that have active live probiotics

EXERCISE......also aids gut movement; as we can infer in people bed ridden because most times they get constipated. This is another good reason to exercise and get fit.....

Personally I try to maintain going once daily..... what are your thoughts ? Now don't be shy # wink#


  1. Lol"@ 'don't be shy'. I choose not to discuss my 'shit' in public. Lol! Regular morning dose,otherwise my day will be so uncomfortable.

  2. Who want all that mess inside of them? Good one. Love it.
